Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Love NFL

I love the NFL. Sundays are my favorite day, just relaxing, doing some homework and of course, watching football. Ever since I became involved in the whole Fantasy Football world I have become addicted. I check my statistics almost everyday, and try to make trades and pick up some free agents, so I can increase my win to loss percentage. I am proud to say that I am number one in our fantasy football league. I have never been so proud. haha. What I really love about it, is the fact that I get to rub it in my brothers faces. (At least this year!! haha)

My apartment is a mess of random cheers, and groans on game day. We will all sit in our rooms, or the living room, with our computers and track our fantasy stats. You can always tell who has who by the reactions. This always makes for a very interesting day. And gives us all something to talk about during the week, not to mention the fact that it is the best way to get homework done.

I do miss sitting at home and watching games with the family. I was always just a comforting situation, and now with the new tv it aught to be amazing. Now all I have to do is convince mother to throw a Super Bowl party!! Any help convincing her would be great. haha.


Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

A super bowl party would be fun. I need a bigger family room tho!

Maria said...

By the way your "mother" loved your post as you called her "mother". I heard all about it when she read your post. I think she liked it, you should keep it up!! I'm going to get in trouble for that one!

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Dirk, calling me "mother" versus "my" mother made me sound ancient!!!! Thanks for that!!! But I know you say it all the time but reading it made it read old. hahaha

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Rub it in MY face?????? I just beat you by alot this week.