Thursday, October 16, 2008

And in the Red Corner...

Hi. I am Dirk. A college kid tryin to make ends meet. I am a full time college student and part time construction worker. Both of which I enjoy doing. I am an avid fan of sports, and pretty much any extreme sport or whatever gives me an adrenaline rush captures my attention.

I was an avid paintballer. My team started out doing a small 3-man weekly tournament in Luverne, MN. We quickly exploded into a 5-man speedball, winning machine. We traveled all over the midwest, tri-state area, and ended up finishing in the runner-up position. We fell into second place, only losing by 3 points. We had a total score of 997/1000. Talk about disappointment.

After shooting thousands of dollars down my barrel, I decided to try racing for a change of pace. My brother and I bought a hobby stock race car. We raced it consistently for an entire summer and did decent. After that summer, we just kind of lost interest in spending money, and not getting any in return.

And, that called for a change once again. This summer I conquered a dream I have always had. I bought a quad of my very own. It has brought me hours and hours of enjoyment, and the rest of the family also. They took it to Wyoming, and came back with one of their very own. Fun, Fun!

I am deciding whether to race quad motocross, or flattrack. It would be great if you guys could help me decide this factor. Any thoughts?


Mary Jo said...

Wow very nice blog, I am impressed. I'm excited to have a third blog to read... and all three are in the same family, how cute!

Mary Jo

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Welcome to the blog world. Looking forward to all you have to share with the world. Great intro. Like the look very you!

Who is the cute thing by your side??

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Ohh to answer your question of quad racing? Thats an easy one for me. Neither. Its a mom thing.

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

You've been tagged!

Kryna said...

I am not even going to ask Bert's Dad about the question....he is awful about anything that requires a pooper.

Can I put your blog up on the Van Hofwegen family site as a new one to check out?

Smooosh said...

yeah go ahead